
Masconomet Chieftains Football '06

Fri, Sep 08, 2006 07:00 PM @ Masconomet
Team Final
Newburyport 6
Masconomet 41
Craig Bunker of Masconomet tries to break the tackle of a Newburyport defender during the first football game of the season. » Michael Sperling, Staff Photographer

Masco honors Koster in blowout win

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Thursday, August, 23 By Mike Grenier
Staff writer

BOXFORD | The old saying is that you can go to the well once too often. But apparently, you can go to the Bunker as often as you need.

That's what the Masconomet football team did last night.

It's what the Chieftains may do all season, too.

Running back Eric Bunker blazed his way to four touchdowns in the opening half and his cousin, quarterback Craig Bunker, threw for another score as the Chieftains wiped out Newburyport, 41-6, in the season opener before a Thanksgiving Day-like crowd here last night.

The game was more highly-charged than usual. Masconomet put together an elaborate halftime ceremony in honor of former player Keith Koster, who was killed in May when he made a desperate attempt to prevent his SUV from being stolen. Koster, who was 20 years old when he died, played on Masconomet's 2003 Super Bowl team and graduated two years ago.

"From what I can remember, Keith (Koster) brought great intensity to Masco football and we brought the same kind of intensity with us tonight," said Craig Bunker, who was 6 for 11 passing for 182 yards, including a 64-yard scoring pass to cousin Eric in the second quarter. "It was our opener and everything went well for us."

That would be an understatement. The Chieftains whipped Newburyport in every way. It was 27-6 at halftime, 41-6 in the third quarter, and Masconomet coach Jim Pugh had his reserves in the game for more than a quarter.

Newburyport was in an almost impossible situation. It couldn't compete with Masconomet's skills and couldn't match its emotion. The Clippers had just five yards rushing in the opening half and 43 rushing yards for the game. The Clippers also turned it over four times.

"This one was black and white," said Newburyport coach Ed Gaudiano. "One team came in in shape and the other didn't." Eric Bunker pierced Newburyport with his nifty running and his pass catching ability. He ran for three touchdowns in the opening half, caught the long TD pass and hauled in two more passes for a total of 56 yards in the third quarter. Overall, Eric collected 55 yards on nine carries and added three receptions for 120 yards.

"It was a big night for us," said Eric Bunker. "Keith Koster came to symbolize Masco football and it was great to have this kind of game in his honor."

As for his own productivity, Eric said, "The coaches did a good job of mixing up the plays. They lined me up in different places and we kept (Newburyport) off balance." Masconomet was also immense on defense. Andrew Dyer set up one touchdown with an interception and he picked off another pass later in the game.

"We were ready to play," said Masconomet coach Jim Pugh. "Eric makes things happen and Dyer set the tone for our defense. You come to expect good things from these guys, but it was a team victory. We had a big crowd and it was a big night." Masconomet proved to be the opportunistic team in the first quarter, as Andrew Dyer came up with a defensive gem that led to a touchdown.

Dyer intercepted a Robert Cleary pass near midfield and brought it all the way to the Newburyport 9-yard line. It took four plays from there, but Eric Bunker punched it into the end zone from the 1-yard line for a 6-0 Masco lead with 5:12 left in the opening period.

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